Campus Lights Updates and Out-takes
It’s 5 months since I posted my project Campus Lights. Sadly I didn’t manage to make any progress with getting anything changed on campus, the person I’d emailed didn’t get back to me and my exams & dissertation took precedence so I didn’t pursue it any further.
I did manage to write a slightly extended version of the article for Emulsive, for which I also swapped out a couple of photos. I consider this to be the final version of the project and I am very happy with how it turned out.
Also reddit user ISUOnFilm created
their own version
of the project which I think turned out really well. Replacement for Campus Lights 10 in Emulsive version Replacement for Campus Lights 24 in Emulsive version
The following 3 photos are ones that I took for the project, didn’t make it into the final cut but I still wanted to share.
Campus Lights Out-take 1 Campus Lights Out-take 2 Campus Lights Out-take 3
Overall I am very pleased with how the project turned out and with how it was received. My main goal with projects going forward is to try something longer term, and I hope to revisit the topic of light pollution at some point.