Edgeland Nottingham

I was recently looking through all the photos I took during my 4 years living in Nottingham to see if I could come up with some kind of series out of them. After cutting it down to all the black & white images that turned out reasonably I had just over 200 photos so I needed to come up with some more specific ideas. One theme I tend to shoot a lot is where nature meets the built environment, which lead me to put together this series. I got the title, and some inspiration, from Robin Friend’s Bastard Countryside (watch this video for a good introduction).

Edgeland Nottingham 01

Edgeland Nottingham 02
Edgeland Nottingham 03
Edgeland Nottingham 04
Edgeland Nottingham 05
Edgeland Nottingham 06
Edgeland Nottingham 07
Edgeland Nottingham 08
Edgeland Nottingham 09
Edgeland Nottingham 10
Edgeland Nottingham 11
Edgeland Nottingham 12
Edgeland Nottingham 13
Edgeland Nottingham 14
Edgeland Nottingham 15
Edgeland Nottingham 16
Edgeland Nottingham 17
Edgeland Nottingham 18
Edgeland Nottingham 19
Edgeland Nottingham 20
Edgeland Nottingham 21
Edgeland Nottingham 22
Edgeland Nottingham 23
Edgeland Nottingham 24

This series was shot with my Hasselblad 500C/M, CF 60mm and 150mm lenses, and Ilford HP5+ at EI 800 and developed in HC-110 1+49 for 11 minutes, except for image 13, which was shot on Ilford FP4+ at EI 400 and developed in HC-110 1+49 for 16 minutes.

In Feburary 2019 I started shooting a series with a similar theme in a small nature reserve in Nottingham on Fuji Pro 400H, but I’ve never been able to get acceptable scans from the 2 rolls I shot. If I do manage to get something useful from them I might put together a part 2 to this project.