Portfolio II
This set of images begins where the last portfolio leaves off and primarily shows my travels during the summer of 2017, with the last image being the only one outside of that. I have again chosen to stick to black and white images taken with my Hasselblad for consistency, and because it’s what I primarily use. I am planning on doing one of these with the colour photos that I’ve taken since I started shooting square format.
Untitled West Lake Great Wall Koishikawa Kōrakuen Garden Tensouchi Red Gum Tasman Island Lake Gordon Adelaide Palm House Escalators Ulsanbawi Clifton Boulevard
All of these images were shot on Ilford HP5+, and all but the last one pushed to ISO 800, which has become something of a default for me. Also, all but one of these images were shot with the 150mm lens, which I bought in March of 2017 and also used for the last four images in Portfolio I. I seem to use both of the lenses I own for my Hasselblad (the 60mm and 150mm) pretty evenly but I find most of the images that I take that I really like have been with the 150mm.