Portfolio III - 2018
Having finished my last portfolio at the end of 2017 I can now start doing them yearly, so this one covers 2018. This includes two trips to the Canary islands, one to Gran Canaria in March and another to Fuerteventura in December as well as another long trip around Asia in the summer.
2018 is also the year during which I started to become more interested in collections of images rather than just single photos. I shot two rather short projects over the year, Subways and Campus Lights. I also attended a photo sequencing workshop at The Photo Parlour in Nottingham as part of the Off-Centre photo festival during which we looked at a selection of prints of my photos taken in China, which I have continued to work on.
Clifton Bridge Barranco de los Mocanes Two Leaves Subways 1 Cascade Cavern Macaque Scrap Collectors Victoria Harbour Queen's Road Central Ronghu Lake Yuzhong Towards Triquivijate
As usual all of these images were shot with my Hasselblad 500C/M and 60mm CF and 150mm CF lenses on Ilford film, although with a bit more variation that last year as I have included one shot taken on Delta 100 and one on Pan F+ but the rest are my usual HP5+. There’s also more photos taken with my 60mm lens included this year than there was last year.