Portfolio IV - 2019
2019 was another active year for me, with a trip to Venice in July and then a long trip to Barcelona, the U.S, Vietnam, Thailand but mostly Taiwan. I only shot colour film in Vietnam and Thailand so those won’t appear here, and my film from Thailand was actually the first film I’ve posted to a lab due to running out of chems and Corona, and they were annoyingly lost before they made it there.
I didn’t do as much towards photo series in 2019 as I would’ve liked to. I did make together my New York Architecture post and put together a series of images I shot in Nottingham since I started studying there. I did think about starting a series many times throughout the year but I left Nottingham in June and didn’t know where I was going to be in the longer term so I didn’t want to start anything big that I wouldn’t be able to finish.
Brinklow Tower Wollaton Oak Llangrannog Beach Talley Woodland Wollaton Deer Nordic Pavilion Chatham Green Americana Submarine Hilliard Towers Hualien Breakwater Huajiang Riverside Park Power Lines
As usual all of these images were, again, shot with my Hasselblad 500C/M and 60mm CF and 150mm CF lenses on Ilford film. Mostly HP5+ at 400 or 800, but the last shot is at 3200, and two in the middle are Pan F+.